
In our interactive sessions this year, you'll get to...

  • Learn about and apply knowledge in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and cyber security.
  • Prepare for various inter-school tech competitions
  • Get hands-on experience collaborating with other society members

How to Hackathon: Session 2

May 14th, 2024

Conducted by Aaryan Chadha, Varun Sahni

In the last session before the summer, we continued our theme of hackathons with a focus on the elements of a strong hackathon pitch. Society members were divided into teams, and brainstormed ideas and products based on the topics of healthcare and fitness. They came up with ideas ranging from AI-powered health monitoring devices to fitness apps that use computer vision to track workouts.

How to Hackathon: Session 1

May 7th, 2024

Conducted by Aaryan Chadha

In the first session of the “How to Hackathon” series, society members were given an introduction to the concept of hackathons, and the elements of a strong hackathon pitch. Members started by learning the process of ideating and pitching a product; they were given the topics of ‘Gaming’ and ‘Education’.

Introduction to databases and SQL

July 31st, 2023

Conducted by Arjun Sharma

Moving on from the theme of AI, society members were given exposure to databases and SQL, through an interactive tutorial and challenge exercise.

The session started with a discussion of recent news in the world of technology, from the launch of Threaads to news of a proposed plan for watermarking of AI-generated content.

Then, an interactive tutorial about databases and SQL was given. Members learnt the fundamentals of relational databses, queries for reading and manipulating data, and potential vulnerabilities in database design. The final challenge of the session was attempting to log in to a fake vulnerable site without the password, using knowledge of SQL learnt in the session.

The session ended with a discussion of how SQL and datbases can practically be used in real-world apps and projects.

A quiz about AI news and technologies

May 22nd, 2023

Conducted by Arjun Sharma

In the last session before the summer, the theme of AI was wrapped up with a fun quiz about AI and emerging technologies. Topics ranged from language models to the ethical implications of AI. After each question, the topics covered were discussed by society members. We look forward to returning after the summer to work on new themes and projects.

Hackathons and artificial intelligence

April 17th, 2023

Conducted by Arjun Sharma

Continuinung from the first session. The society was given an introduction to the concept of hackathons, and the elements of a strong hackathon pitch.

Society members were divided into teams, and brainstormed environmental technology products that utilised the computer vision model they built in the previous session. They came up with ideas ranging from agriculture applications to products for biodiversity protection.

Introduction to the society and artificial intelligence

April 10th, 2023

Conducted by Arjun Sharma

In the first session of the year, we introduced society members to our goals for the year and started with an introduction to AI, our theme for the month.

The session started with an explanation of the foundational principles of machine learning and broad categories of AI. Then, members got hands-on experience with computer vision and classification with Google Teachable Machine, building a model which classified images of materials as recyclable or non-recyclable.

An interactive discussion of the limitations of artificial intelligence in terms of accuracy and bias was also conducted.

Email in case you have any queries about the society or the website.