Inter-House Crypt Hunt 2023

May 24th, 2023

Megabyte co-organised this inter-house event, which saw over 300 participants from across houses and grades in a closely-fought contest. Houses worked together to tackle cryptic puzzles, with topics ranging from technology to encryption to pop culture.

The event consisted of an online phase, which lasted from 19th May to 22nd May, and an offline phase, which took place during school hours on the 24th of May. Based on a weighted sum of offline and online phase points, and the time taken to complete questions in the offline phase of the event, the final standings were:

  1. Srishti House
  2. Sagar House
  3. Himgiri House
  4. Vasundhara House

The winners of the ‘Most Valuable Player’ award were:

  1. Dhruv Aggarwal [Himgiri House]
  2. Abir Vohra [Srishti House]
  3. Sumair Ahuja [Sagar House]

Special mentions were awarded to:

  1. Uday Vir Khosla [Srishti House]
  2. Aaron Anand [Srishti House]

The organising team consisted of:

  1. Ritwic Verma (Head of ICT)
  2. Arjun Sharma (Head of Megabyte)
  3. Romir Kumar (Secretary of ICT)
  4. Varun Sahni (Secretary of ICT)
  5. Akshhat
  6. Kartik Pathak
  7. Nayantara Chakravarty
  8. Arjun Narasimhan

We thank everyone who participated in the Crypt Hunt this year, and hope for it to continue to foster out-of-the-box-thinking and communitybuilding through technology in future years.

Email in case you have any queries about the society or the website.